Willie Bailey

Picture of Willie Bailey
Willie Bailey

Hi, my name is Willie Bailey and I was convicted of two 1st Degree murders and was sentenced to Life without the Possibility of Parole. At the time, I was 23 years of age. I do express my deepest condolences to the victims, their family members, and the community for the pain, hurt and destruction I brought to their lives.

My upbringing was difficult. I was raised by a single parent, my mother, 2 sisters, and one brother. My father was never around, so my mom did the best that she could raising us. She was also my disciplinarian and I got my butt whopped many times from her. None of us had the same father. I spent a lot of my childhood at school and on the streets, being that she was at work all the time. The streets lead me to gangs and selling drugs, which is why I became part of a criminal lifestyle.

Since I’ve been incarcerated, I have become a facilitator here at CSP-Solano in the In-Building Self Help Program. I have received over 20 certificates of achievement and Chronos for programs, such as Anger Management, Denial Management, AA, NA, Cognitive Thinking, AVP, etc… I am also in the Men’s Advisory Committee. I would be a productive member of society by giving back to the community and mentoring youth on how to have realistic positive goals in their life and provide them the tools to accomplish them. I would help them deal with the pressures of drugs, gangs, suicide, depression, and better communication skills.